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Your Journey
try a free trial classSensei Camille
“Thoughts are things. Think Positive.” That quote perfectly encapsulates Sensei Camille!
Sensei Camille earned her 1st Degree (Shodan) Black Belt in October of 2021. She began formally studying with SDSS as a White Belt in 2018, although she spent many years prior to that as a “dojo Mom” supporting her son (Sensei) Guillermo. She’s motivated to keep training because, as she puts it, training helps her “become ever the best version of myself in the moment. Each time I practice, it sets the stage for the next class or challenge to be that much better.”
You’ll regularly see Sensei Camille working with our Tigers, Dragons, and Junior Adults, where she works to challenge every student while offering patience, humor, and encouraging feedback. In 2021, she also began coaching Empowerment Self Defense with our SETpoint team.
“My favorite thing about teaching is learning. There is something very right about giving back to those that give and to those who can potentially grow as I have.”
We are grateful to Sensei Camille for her dedication to the martial arts and for her encouraging and affirmative style as both a student and an instructor!