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At least once a month, we’ll publish stories of our students’ journeys, events at the dojo, or in-depth analyses of techniques. Subscribing to our blog is a great way to get to know our dojo community of students and instructors!
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try a free trial classOur Covid Policies
UPDATE 06/15/2022 - Following CDC guidelines, wearing a mask while in the dojo and during outdoor classes is optional regardless of vaccination status.
Our current policies in effect:
— Masks are optional for everyone whether taking a class or waiting in the lobby regardless of vaccination status.
— Stay home if you are sick. Whether you are a student taking classes or a family member/friend dropping off a student for class, if you have any symptoms of a cold or illness, or if you are not feeling well, please stay home. We will happily work with you to schedule a makeup session or you can attend one of our Zoom or Hybrid classes from home.
— We keep supplies of hand sanitizer in the lobby, and we ask students to maintain good hand hygiene.
— We are continuing our cleaning policies on the dojo floor. After every class, used bags and equipment are wiped down and disinfected. The lobby, mats, and restroom are all cleaned a minimum of once a day. In addition, high touch areas are professionally disinfected weekly.
— We continue to monitor class sizes so that everyone can be spaced appropriately. Although we recommend participating in partner drills to strengthen your understanding of our fundamental skills and techniques during classes, partner drills can be done without physical contact or students may opt to work independently.
Thank you for helping to keep our dojo healthy and fun for everyone!