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Your Journey
try a free trial classSensei Mike
Sensei Mike began teaching with SDSS Pittsburgh in 2021, and you’ll find him regularly in the Saturday Zoom class and in Monday classes in the dojo. He began as a White Belt in 2012, and just last year, Sensei Mike earned his 2nd Degree Black Belt (Nidan).
Outside of Kung Fu, Sensei Mike is busy in high school, where he also takes part in Science Olympiad. So what motivates him to keep training? “The people here motivate me to come back. Everyone here is so nice, and I have made many new friends in my ten years here.”
Sensei Mike loves teaching, in part because it helps him reflect on his own martial arts journey.
“I can see the young kids struggling with what I once struggled with, and now I can help them.”
We are grateful to Sensei Mike for being part of our incredible instructor team!