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At least once a month, we’ll publish stories of our students’ journeys, events at the dojo, or in-depth analyses of techniques. Subscribing to our blog is a great way to get to know our dojo community of students and instructors!
Your Journey
try a free trial classNovember Newsletter 2024
It's hard to believe how the year is flying by. With all that is going on in the world, it can be easy to feel like we're in a perpetual state of anxious frenzy. We're grateful for our martial arts practice for a myriad of reasons, but particularly in stressful times the benefits of the physical challenge, focus, and mindfulness of the martial arts help us maintain balance even as things shift around us. To be able to practice in a community of amazing students and families only amplifies those benefits. Thank you for being part of our martial arts community!
The year may be winding down, but we've got LOTS going on as we close out this year and begin planning for 2025. Read on for information about our annual Kids' Movie Night (aka Parents' Night Out!) on December 7th, as well as our Winter Camp at the end of December. And if you're already beginning to plan for next year, SAVE THESE DATES:Friday, March 21st we'll be hosting a clinic with Senior Masters Lisa and Steve, and our annual Summer Camp for Kids and Teens will be June 16– 20, 2025.