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At least once a month, we’ll publish stories of our students’ journeys, events at the dojo, or in-depth analyses of techniques. Subscribing to our blog is a great way to get to know our dojo community of students and instructors!
Your Journey
try a free trial classJune Newsletter 2024
It’s June and time to celebrate summer! We were so excited to “kick off” summer last weekend with our day of Kung Fu in the Park. Thank you to everyone who joined us: students, families, friends, and senseis. We each embark on our own journey as we practice the martial arts, but our community brings us together for shared support, camaraderie, and fun.
Speaking of fun, we’ve got lots planned for the summer! From summer camps to Puppies and Popsicles, from movie night in the park to fitness challenges, there will be something great happening each week. And don’t forget that Unlimited Summer starts this month, so come to as many classes as you’re able to in June, July, and August.