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At least once a month, we’ll publish stories of our students’ journeys, events at the dojo, or in-depth analyses of techniques. Subscribing to our blog is a great way to get to know our dojo community of students and instructors!
Your Journey
try a free trial classFebruary Newsletter 2024
Happy Lunar New Year! May the Year of the Dragon bring good health, prosperity, and much joy to you and your family!
We hope you’ll join us for our celebration of the Lunar New Year on Saturday, February 10th. We’ll officially retire “Sensei Hops” that day and introduce our new Dojo Dragon. Friends and family can also join classes that day for a fun workout together! And don’t forget that you can enter our raffle to take Sensei Hops home with you. All proceeds benefit the Humane Animal Rescue of Pittsburgh.
February is also American Heart Month, so take some time this month to care for your heart. Cardiovascular exercise, stress management, and meaningful social connections can all help increase our total health. Joining a Kung Fu class gives you all of these and MORE! 😉🥋♥️
Save the date for some great upcoming events and activities (more info follows):
- Think summer…SUMMER CAMP! Our 2024 martial arts and leadership camp for kids and teens will be June 17 through 21. 🪭 🪭 🪭
- On Friday, March 22nd, Senior Masters Lisa and Steve will offer a clinic on defense from the ground. This special clinic will be open to all adult students as well as junior adults who have achieved the rank of Black Belt.
- Last chance to join our 8-week intensive series on Empowerment Self-Defense (ESD) on Friday mornings in February and March. Open to everyone; no prior experience needed!